AArrow Needs Your Vote!


June 18, 2012

AArrow Ads needs your support and vote to help their chances of winning a $250,000 grant for the Mission: Small Business contest. CHASE Visa and LivingSocial are awarding up to twelve small businesses the money based on their application and the number of votes they receive. With your help, AArrow could be one of them! So now your wondering where do I go to do my part. It’s just three simple and easy steps. In order to qualify, AArrow needs 250 votes. So take a minute or two and help support this business that has so much innovation and creativity!

1. Go to http://www.missionsmallbusiness.com/ and click ‘Log In & Support’ and log in using Facebook.

2. Search for AArrow Advertising.

3. Click on the blue VOTE button next to the business name.
