In a unique marketing move, the television show “All Rise” hired sign spinners to promote its premiere on the ABC network. “All Rise” is an American legal drama series created by Greg Spottiswood. Originally premiering on CBS on September 23, 2019, as part of the 2019-20 television season, the show gained attention for its compelling storytelling.
To generate excitement for the show, “All Rise” enlisted the help of local sign spinners, Davis Davis and Jahmal. These talented individuals were eager to showcase their skills and contribute to the hype surrounding the show. They were dispatched to various locations in and around Washington, D.C., and Virginia to capture the attention of passersby and spread the word about the show’s premiere on ABC.
By utilizing the eye-catching artistry of sign spinning, “All Rise” aimed to engage with potential viewers and draw them into the compelling world of legal drama. With Davis Davis and Jahmal’s dedication and flair, the sign spinners added an extra touch of excitement to the show’s promotion, creating a buzz in the local community and generating anticipation for its return to the small screen.
However, after two seasons, CBS decided to cancel the series in May 2021. But the story doesn’t end there. In a surprising turn of events, the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) picked up “All Rise” for a third season in September 2021. This revived the series and gave it a new lease on life. The third season premiered on June 7, 2022, bringing back the captivating courtroom drama that fans had grown to love.