Drink Water! said the Sign Spinner!


October 4, 2023

As the crowd gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Bumbershoot, the Pacific Northwest’s premier arts and music festival, there was one sign that caught everyone’s attention. It simply read, “DRINK WATER.”


In the midst of the excitement, performances, and creativity that Bumbershoot had to offer, this unassuming sign held a powerful message: the importance of staying hydrated during the two-day event. While it may seem like a small reminder, it carries significant meaning.

Bumbershoot, with its rich history and tradition, is not just about music and art; it’s about celebrating the diverse and vibrant community that calls the Pacific Northwest home. It’s a gathering of artists, performers, and music enthusiasts who come together to share their passion and creativity.

The “DRINK WATER” sign is a subtle yet crucial reminder of self-care amidst the excitement. It’s a symbol of the festival’s commitment to the well-being of its attendees. Hydration is not just about staying physically healthy; it’s also a way to ensure that festival-goers can fully immerse themselves in the artistic experiences Bumbershoot has to offer.

Just like the artists on stage who pour their hearts into their performances, staying hydrated allows festival-goers to fully engage with the music, visual arts, and performances that define Bumbershoot. It’s a small act of self-care that enables attendees to dance, sing, and create lasting memories throughout the event.

In essence, the “DRINK WATER” sign encapsulates the spirit of Bumbershoot. It reminds us that while we may come from different walks of life and have diverse tastes in art and music, we are all connected by our shared humanity. We are all part of this incredible festival experience, and taking care of ourselves ensures that we can make the most of it.