Oakland Library Hosting Sign Spinning Workshops for kids!


February 4, 2020

Oakland Sign Spinning Workshop with McKinley and Oakland A's

Oakland, CA – Sign Spinning is an amazing form of advertising, right? It’s also a sport too, we’ve proven that by getting on ESPN, right? But it’s really a no brainer that all the sign spinners around the world are really attracted to the sport because at the end of it all; its fun, right? Well AArrow Nor Cal has teamed up with the Oakland Library to extend sign spinning as a fun extra curricular sport in an effort to provide more enriching hobbies to children. It really helps for them to have something fun to do that isn’t just watching TV or playing computer games at the library which begins the Oakland Library Sign Spinning Workshops!

Oakland Library Sign Spinning Workshop
McKinley Hosting sign spinning workshops at the Oakland Library!

Former sign spinner and library aid, McKinley Williams, had the idea when remembering how much fun he had at when he was a part time sign spinner. “I really wanted to just offer another activity here at the library that was fun for all ages, and if it was fun for me, I knew it would be fun for the kids.” So once a week, McKinley hosts sign spinning workshops for local children as their form of exercise and a fun sport. Children of all ages from elementary school to middle school come to take part in the sign spinning class. Some have expressed interest in getting a job when they turn 16 as an AArrow Sign Spinners, others are just in it for the fun. Sign spinning is more than just a job, its a sport!

Click here for more sign spinning in Northern California!

Click here to check out Oakland Library Sign Spinning Workshop!
