Robot Signs for The Mitchells vs. The Machines


May 6, 2021

Robot Sign Spinners in Los Angeles

We knew this was going to happen at sometime, just not as fast as it did. Things change fast in the age of digital revolution. Technology evolves almost everyday, so many jobs at risk of automation. I just thought we had a little bit longer before they took our jobs. Now, can’t even be a sign spinner without a robot with signs taking your job. I for one welcome our new robot, sign spinner overlords.

That might seem like a dystopian plot of a new sci-fi movie, but its pretty much what happened last week in Los Angeles. At least, I’m 65% sure that’s how it happened. Robot Street Team + Signs at a gas station. Yeah, pretty sure that’s what happened. No humans sign spinners, just robots spinning signs to promote the new animated move on Netflix, The Mitchells vs. The Machines. Luckily, AArrow was already one step ahead of the wave of automation and had trained sign spinning robots ready to go!


Netflix Pop Up Using Sign Spinners in LA

Netflix Pop Up Using Sign Spinners in LA

Netflix transformed gas stations into interactive promo pop-up to promote their new movie. It was a one of a kind campaign that doesn’t happen everyday. The robots, although very stiff, were the best sign spinners we’ve seen in years. No complaining, no breaks, and some of the best dancing a machine can do. The robo-sign spinners stood at key intersections in Los Angeles and New Jersey to invite humans to get gas for their vehicles, while they still can. Very convincing and totally trustworthy! So next time you see a sign spinner, human or machine, show them some love (while you still can).

Robots and Signs take Over Los Angeles Gas Stations to promote new Netflix movie

Robots and Signs take Over Los Angeles Gas Stations to promote new Netflix movie

No robots were harmed in this campaign. This was written by an actual “human”.

Click here to check out the last cool movie we were in!

Click here to check out the video!