You may have seen them on the street corners for housing developments or cell phone stores. “Go hear, do this, buy that”; but have you ever seen a sign spinner try to earn your vote? So, this year was a first for many things. If you were in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Nevada, or Texas; then chances are, you might have seen sign spinners for the Biden Harris campaign in the 2020 election.

That’s right! The AArrow Sign Spinners teamed up with the Democrats and the Biden Harris campaign to encourage voting blue all over the country. Massive sign spinner campaigns were launched in key states all over the country to help with voter turn out. So in some places, you couldn’t drive around without seeing a sign spinner. Finally, a chance to spin for a political cause we believe in.

Sign Spinners promote early voting in the 2020 Election!
“Beat the lines, vote early! Don’t wait, vote now!” Sign spinner campaigns were mobilized heavily to promote early voting at key areas Before spinning for Biden/ Harris directly. Key cities would see record voter turn out in weeks leading up to the election. Sign Spinners would have Vote Early signs all over the country encouraging people to turn out before election day. Guess what!? It worked!

The surge of early voting payed off. Sign spinners definitely had a positive effect in every city they went to. This would ultimately help create an unstoppable lead for Biden Harris. The early voting combined with the big push on the final weekend really solidified the blue lead. Sign spinners were in cities all through-out Florida, Nevada, and Arizona to encourage day of voting. We proudly welcome Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the president and vice president of the United States. It feels good to be able to be part of this amazing movement!

Click here to check out the Vote Early Sign Spinners!
Click here to check out Jose Ortega, Chairman of the DNC, SPIN THE SIGN on twitter!