Watch out for Evan James, the latest up and coming sign spinner in the game. Evan has been spinning for the last 6 years and is one of the fiercest rising talents we’ve seen. Evan, originally from LA but now resides in the Las Vegas, embodies every quality and expert spinner should have. Team camaraderie, winning attitude, and the sick sign spinning skills all day! For Evan, (and hundreds of sign spinners) this is more than just a job, this is a passion.
Evan’s sign spinning career started in LA, by chance more than intention. His father had just come home from prison and had a heart-to-heart conversation, encouraging Evan to become his own man and make something of himself. Until then, Evan didn’t really have much direction and was just doing his own thing, but that was exactly what he needed to hear. So Evan, found his local sign spinning practice and signed up that day. He was a natural, and little did he know, his life was about to change for ever.
Evan was a natural sign spinner because of his strong dance background. When Evan isn’t spinning signs, he’s dancing. He’s always been a dancer ever since he was a kid watching Soul Train back in the day. He was always so hyper as a kid and dancing gave him something to focus on. Things went to the next level when he had a chance to perform in school. The feeling of being on the stage was all he needed, and he gets that same feeling when he spins a sign on a street corner.
Since getting started, Evan has had the opportunity to travel all around the country as a sign spinner. His natural talent and energy made him high demand for any sign spinning client. Evan has got to work some awesome campaigns like the Simpsons season premiere at Universal studios, Coca-Cola, random movie appearances, and now his third year working with project Spin with Yumi Roth. Working with Yumi on her sign spinning art project has been very profound and helping spinners find the answer to why they really spin signs.
For Evan, sign spinning used to be only about the money but now it has such a deeper meaning to him. Every time he picks up a sign, he doesn’t just do a job, he makes art. And AArrow, there is a powerful community behind making that art. Every word is inspiring, and the team just keeps everything going. To him, sign spinning is so much more than a pay check, because AArrow believes in him. And he believes in AArrow. The journey has been a struggle, but the struggle has been necessary in shaping who he is today. Wow, that’s inspirational!
Evans favorite tricks are the Jamaican-Me-Crazy, Basic Amazer, and his own trick – The Hocus Pocus. One day Evan wants to be an Actor and use all his talents together. He’s wanted to be on TV since he was a kid and he’s heading in the right direction. His favorite pizza is Meat Lovers, so we’ll make sure we get him his own pizza next time!
“To all the new spinners out there, you think you know why you joined (AArrow), but you don’t even understand yet. Just keep spinning!” – Evan James
Click here to check out May’s sign spinner of the Month.
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