Sign Spinning at San Francisco #NotAGala


April 2, 2019

San Francisco, CA – When you see Street Performers, Sign Spinners, and the Circus posted around the same city block, you’ve got to stop and ask yourself, “what is going on and where is it?” And that’s the exact reaction AArrow Sign Spinners were getting on Saturday night when directing attendees to the Yerba Buena Art Center’s Not A Gala fundraising event. The event was organized to sell packages and tickets for raising funds for the YBCA. The YBCA is the art center in the public park for Yerba Buena Gardens in downtown San Francisco. The YBCA has revolving exhibits and actively involved in the art scene in San Francisco. Sign Spinners are very familiar with the area as they normally spin for the large conventions taking place at the convention center, which is part of the Yerba Buena complex.

AArrow’s signature sign spinning were one of many talents during the evening’s performance also featuring flow artists, costumed dancers, contortionists, circus performers, and many other live music performances from around San Francisco! Sign Spinners were be positioned outside the event with other acts directing some of California’s most influential guest list to the big event. This was an unforgettable event and sign spinners got to lead the way! Can’t wait to be a part of the next event, sign spinners adventures in downtown San Francisco are always the most epic.

Click here to check out more sign spinner adventures in SF Bay!