AArrow Sign Spinners Industry Spotlight – The Wireless Industry!


February 25, 2019

Sign Spinners for METRO PCS
AArrow Sign Spinners are no stranger to the world of wireless retail. Over the years virtually every major player in the industry has utilized sign spinning on both large and small scales to generate market awareness. Sprint, AT&T, Metro PCS even smaller wireless retailers and repair shops have capitalized on AArrow’s affordable and flexible sign spinning service to promote new service plans or the newest Iphone.
Wireless retailer’s rely on customer life time value with clients typically signing up for 1 to 2 year contracts. This leaves only a small window in a hyper competitive industry to capture new clients! With AArrow Sign Spinner’s ease of set up, quick turn around time and flexible service programs,  all for a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing services, choosing AArrow is a no brainer!
AArrow Sign Spinners capitalize off of key shopping seasons, when consumers are more likely to make a wireless purchase. AArrow Sign Spinners can compliment any other existing marketing campaign with street level sign spinning reinforcing the message from other forms of marketing. From Tax Season, Back to school, or holiday shopping, sign spinners get the message out to thousands of consumers!

AArrow Sign Spinner’s creative mix of dance, sport and advertising make for a unique, memorable marketing experience for you and your customers. There’s only one way to gauge the effectiveness of sign spinners for your store, give it a shot this weekend – sign up today!
