Sign Spinning Makes a Positive Impact


September 15, 2016

Most people look at sign spinning as an awkward job that on one wants. Thats not the case for our spinners not only is it a culture but its a way to reaching a better life. AArrow has given jobs to over 2,600 spinners between the ages of 16-25 in  30 cities across the global. Within the job there is a certain love for the art. Spinners use sign spinning as way to express themselves that ultimately gets them paid. While being a professional sign spinner doesn’t necessarily equal a $20 million contract like other professional sports, it does guarantee you an opportunity to truly be yourself and opportunity to change your situation.

Meet All-Star spinners Mike Wright and Jeremy White, both two extremely talented sign spinners with two different reasons for why they spin.  For Mike Wright is was to move him and his mom into a better neighborhood. Jeremy White’s reason is provide for his daughter. Every spinner has a story.

Want to learn more about their stories? Check out the full article below!
