AAA Service Sign Spinners at Denver Nuggets Half-Time Show!


February 29, 2020

Denver Nuggets Sign Spinners

AAA Service provides Plumbing, HVAC, and Electric services through-out the Denver area. They wanted to get the word out to everyone this spring and make the biggest splash possible. They did the right thing and combined sports marketing with guerrilla marketing to reach the thousands of spectators and nuggets fans at the game and the millions more watching at home. AAA service called the pros by hiring The AArrow Sign Spinners in Denver to spin and perform during the Denver Nuggets halftime show to get extra attention and brand recognition!

Denver Nuggets Sign Spinners at Half Time
Sign Spinners for AAA Service at the Denver Nuggets Half-Time Show

Long time AArrow Legends Jacob Mitchell, Mia Arellano, and Two-Time World Sign Spinning Champion Laramie Rosenfeld show cased their signature tricks to hype up fans during the Half-Time show. The energy was tremendous and so were the tricks, definitely should have been there yourself to witness the magic. The Mile-High city knows how to bring the hype, the energy was tremendous! Nothing better than getting tickets to the game and being able to spin on the court, one of the coolest opportunities for sign spinners out there! Who knows the next time we’ll be a part of something this exciting!

Click here to check out more sign spinning & basketball!

Click here to check out AAA Service for plumbing, HVAC, and electric!