The 2022 World Sign Spinning Championship will still be happening! It has been postponed until the Spring due to current health concerns! Until then, we don’t want to delay the sign spinning action any further. So this year we combined the aspect with last years Virtual Competition with the regional qualifier competitions to bring you the official Warm Up Session for the 2022 WSSC!
The best spinners from around the country have a chance to submit their video for a chance to win cash prizes and a guaranteed slot to compete in April. Obviously all the bragging rights come with it for the next 3 months, so enjoy it while it lasts!
This year’s virtual competition was judged by some of the most OG sign spinning veterans out there. We got Shamon “Arizona Bamm” Ingram from Phoenix representing the hype. Christian “Taco Man” Altamirano from the West Coast. And representing the East Coast we have Tony “Tony” Ha! More sign spinning has passed through the hands of these gentleman than almost 99.9% of the global population. There is no one better out there than these dudes to judge the 2022 WSSC! Well, the Virtual Warm-up. We’ll see about the real deal in Las Vegas. Judging is always the hardest part of a sign spinning competition anyway.
This year we see some new faces and some returning ones. But can these old spinners keep up with the new tricks? Will someone new rise to the top and take the lead? Well, we can’t ruin it. So just click play and let the raw sign spinning energy overtake you. Trust me, you’re ready. At least we think you are.
Note: This is not the official WSSC, The in person event will still be kicking off later this Spring!