Odd Jobs: Spinning for Sales


May 23, 2012


As sign spinning is quickly becoming a popular new way to advertise, the actual sign spinners themselves are also being noticed for their impressive talent.  This “odd job” allows sign spinners to put their own flair on sign spinning and to show off their talent, all while interacting with people. One in particular was spotted on the streets of the Northwest Valley in Arizona, spinning, throwing and catching a six-foot sign to advertise to the passerby’s. 16 year-old Austin Bohannon has been spinning signs for AArrow as a part time job.

Bohannon, along with the hundreds of other sign spinners across the world have extensive training to perfect this unique style of advertising.According to Bohannon, the best part of this job is the reaction of the people in which he interacts. These sign spinners are hard at work for four or five hours a day, even in the extreme heat. Out on the streets in all types of weather, these sign spinners have no easy task, but prevail with amazing moves that have bystanders in awe.

Restaurants, Automobile companies and Apartment Complexes are just a few on the extensive list of businesses that have caught on to this innovative method of advertising. AArrow has put a new spin on street-corner advertising (literally) and the remarkable talent of the sign spinners, like Bohannon himself, helps companies achieve their goals during the tough recession.

Source: Times Publications
Article by Shanna Hogan
Photo by Ross Mason
