Salesmen put a new spin on advertising


January 9, 2012


Reported by Terry Bulger – email


NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) -Many of us have seen them on the streets, waving signs in hopes of getting a driver’s attention and ultimately their business.The growing phenomenon of sign spinning is putting a new spin on advertising.

“We do a little trick, do a little dance, something to catch their attention,” sign spinner Erwin Pacheco said.

Want inexpensive advertising? High technology isn’t always the answer. Get a guy with attitude and a sign.In a tough economy with shrinking advertising budgets, it is a sign of the times.Pacheco says he hopes the drivers on White Bridge Road see him, smile, and then visit the bookstore that his 6-foot sign points to.If you can’t stop, give him a honk.

“It’s a natural boost of energy. People see you, give high five, tossing you a tip of some kind, even giving you a bottle of water,” Pacheco said. “Whatever, it’s cool. Makes your day a lot better.”

Pacheco says he sees the stares his antics produce. They are a sign that his sign show is working.And he’s no amateur.“I trained under the best, under four of the top spinners in the world,” he said.After three years of sign spinning on streets nationwide, he’s a marketing mercenary.Doing this six to eight hours a day? Not fun, so they started spinning, doing twirls, see how many girls’ numbers they could get. Why not? Having a little fun is always good on the job,” Pacheco said.

It takes five days of intensive sign spinning training to be considered for these dynamic advertising opportunities.The spinners must also put in at least two hours a week of serious practice, all designed to get your attention and your business.

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